Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a free copy of this book.

CROOK TALES FOR TWO is primarily a romance novel with some mystery sprinkled here and there. I liked it. Specially the setting of this book; the fashion, the theater, the drama of it all. It's very glamorous. The mystery aspect was very interesting and the twist at the end was unexpected. I honestly had no clue who was behind it all. I also enjoyed the romance that took place in this story because it wasn't extremely cheesy. Their romance could be summarized like this:

Graydon: I'm so obsessed with you; I need you badly.
Esmé: Leave me alone, you rat troll.
Esmé, inside her thoughts: Just looking at him sends shivers down my spine. I need his touch.

Their dynamic was very fun to read about. It never got tiring.

Now, the things I didn't really like about this novel were, firstly, the length of its paragraphs. This novel was full of extremely long walls of texts that didn't say anything important or relevant, in my opinion. And my God, was it tedious to read.

I also didn't really care for Esmé, the main character. I found her a bit annoying. Specially whenever she went on about how she wasn't rich, despite getting her family's small fortune after they died. She constantly talked about being self-made and how she only used her fortune to buy her apartment. Well, surprise; you are privileged, my friend. It got really tiring after a few chapters. We get it, you're different to the rest of the rich people you surround yourself with. If I were rich, I would embrace it.

Overall, this novel was nice. I had fun reading it and the author did a great job, despite her overuse of long paragraphs. I recommend it if you're looking for an intriguing mystery-filled romance.


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